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ZES boutique studio.


The Boutique Studio is located in Maastricht at Brusselsestraat 74 on the first floor and breathes luxury and wellness and  can accommodate 8 advanced and user-friendly  SPX Reformers . The studio is equipped with mirrors for good technique and correct posture. 

The Cosy Corner can be found in a separate room of the studio where you after your lesson you can relax, relax and chat with your other ZES friends while enjoying a healthy drink and maybe a healthy snack. This Cosy Corner is only for ZES members so if you want to bring someone with you, he or she will also have to become a ZES member and start doing Reformer Pilates. 
Customers of ZES can use the joint changing rooms with  showers and sauna, even more sensory stimulation! Those who arrive in sportswear for a Reformer Pilates session can use the lockers in the hall of ZES to safely store their belongings. 

A Reformer Pilates session can also be paid on the spot with card (no cash!) for the single class price of 23 euros, but paying online gives more certainty for a spot on the reformer! 



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